Konstantina Kuneva is a female, single mother, migrant worker and grassroots syndicalist who was attacked with sulphuric acid by employer-hired thugs in late December 2008. She has suffered major injuries and is being treated in intensive care in Athens since. The attack happened in the aftermath of the December revolt, and the solidarity response of the movement was vigorous and dynamic throughout the country. Fund raising events are still taking place in various greek cities because of the urgent need for money, that will allow Konstantina to travel to the USA for an elaborate and very expensive opperation, which her only chance to have some of her basic bodily functions restored.

Benefit event for Konstantina: Screenings, discussion, food and live
music on
music on
Friday March 13 from 5 to 11 at 100 Flowers squat, 2A Belgrade Road, Dalston N16 8DJ
The event is organised jointly by Greek comrades in solidarity, local Turkish/Kurdish workers organizations, and comrades from NorthEast London squats.
For more info on Konstantina’s case, most of the greek texts that have been translated into english can be found in the following link