London Benefit Event in solidarity to the arrested comrades of Resalto


London Benefit
Event in solidarity to the arrested comrades of Resalto


The antiauthoritarian centre Resalto in Athens was raided by the police on the evening of December the 5th, as part of the ‘preventive’ strategy of the Greek state to repress any form of social and political action, a year after the assassination of Alexis Grigoropoulos by the Greek police. In response, the Town Hall of Keratsini was occupied by comrades, and was later raided as well.

22 comrades where arrested during the brutal break-in of the Resalto centre and where charged under the anti-terrorist law and another 42 afterwards in the Town Hall. The court imposed very strict bail conditions, the first ever so strict in recent Greek
history, which included very high amounts of bail-money. Only for the 22 of Resalto the bail money amounts to 51.000 euros.

For the financial support of the 22 arrestees of Resalto and for the prompt payment of the bail-money, a solidarity event is organized by the comrades in London. It is very important that we all contribute in gathering this unusually high total amount.

Come and show your support!

is our weapon

revolt cannot be suppressed
cannot be



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